
他以前剛剛哈泰的時候 一聽到這首歌就愛上了
我也滿喜歡這首歌的 雖然已經是很久的歌了~~  (2000年發的)

Title:ชาวนากับงูเห่า 農夫和毒蛇
Album:Fly 2 K

taa ter mai yaak yoo gup chun jing jing yin yorm took sing hai ter ting bai
chun kor kae piang hai we-la noi dai mai yaak lao ni-taan hai fung

chao naa kon neung mee chee-wit lum-pung bai jer ngoo hao gumlung glai dtai
song saan jeung geb ao maa liang doi mai roo soot-tai ja ben yaang rai

*koi doo lae duay kwarm jing jai huang yai lae koi hai kwarm ruk
ben gung won waa mun ja dtai fao koi ao jai took yaang
dtae soot-tai chao naa poo chai jai dee duay kwarm tee kao wai jai
naa sia dai  glub dtong dtai  duay pit ngoo


ni-taan mun bork hai yorm rup kwarm jing  waa mee baang sing mai kuan wai jai
a-rai baang yaang hai tam dee suk kae nai  mai cheuang mai ruk mai jing


If you don’t really want to be with me, then I’ll let you throw it all away.
Is it alright if all I ask for is a moment of your time? I want to tell you a story.

Once a lonely farmer found a cobra that was barely alive.
Feeling sorry for the cobra, the farmer took care of it without knowing if it would live or die.

*He waited and took care of the snake with sincerity and love.
He worried that it would die. He waited and took care of the snake's every need.
However, in the end, the kind farmer who was so trusting…
sadly died from snake poison.


I told you this story so you’ll accept the fact that there are some things we shouldn’t trust.
No matter how good you are to some people, they will never truly love you.


Thai & English



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